nurturing customer loyalty

Sales & Marketing Training Module

build better relationships

How do you find customers that are going to be loyal to you and your company? What if the solution wasn’t to find these customers but to make them?

With decades of experience, Boshart’s Brenda Hanna (who has, at various points her career, covered all parts of the US & Canada) teaches you all about her tried-and-true methods of building better relationships with customers that will be the foundation of your business for years to come.


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What's included in this COURSE?

Includes: video training with Brenda Hanna, Pricing Manager

Sales Training

Pricing Manager Brenda Hanna spills all her secrets and stories on how to nurture meaningful customer relationships to create lifelong loyalty with them in this fantastic Accelerator course. Her methods have been honed over years in the industry covering massive territories across the US & Canada. To say she knows a thing or two would be like saying Mozart knew a thing or two about composing symphonies. You will love what you learn in this module.

What does the training cover?

how to nurture meaningful customer relationships


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